Palliative care

7th September 2024

Flying Safely

Helping patients with air travel including towards the end of life

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5th September 2024

How to talk to children about death and dying

Children are never too young to talk about death and dying

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21st August 2024

Accessing pharmacies

Information on accessing pharmcies for palliative care medication over the August bank holiday

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4th July 2024

Terminal Agitation: Information for clinicians

Confusion, restlessness and agitation are common distressing symptoms at the end of life and require careful physical assessment and management

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4th July 2024

Starting a Syringe Pump: Information for clinicians

How do I decide when it is appropriate to start a syringe pump and what should I prescribe? Advice from a senior palliative physician

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4th July 2024

Neuropathic pain: Information for clinicians

Diagnosis and treatment of nerve pain, and when to seek specialist advice

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3rd July 2024

Nausea and vomiting: Information for clinicians

A pragmatic approach to assessment and treatment in the community 

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1st July 2024


Medications should be reviewed in the last months of life and many could be safely stopped

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1st July 2024

Abdominal pain in patients with cancer: Information for clinicians

How should I best assess abdominal pain in a patient with advancing cancer? Advice from a senior palliative physician

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30th June 2024

Breathlessness: Information for clinicians

Guidance on managing breathlessness whatever the cause

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30th June 2024

Secretions at the end of life: Information for clinicians

How should I treat noisy breathing at the end of life? Advice from a senior palliative physician

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29th June 2024

Insomnia in palliative care: Information for clinicians

How do you manage insomnia in the final weeks or months of life? Advice from a senior palliative physician

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22nd June 2024

Referred and radiating pain: Information for clinicians

What patterns of referred pain do you commonly see? Advice from a senior palliative physician

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21st June 2024

Starting morphine: Information for clinicians

How do I decide when it is appropriate to start strong opioids? Advice from a senior palliative physician

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19th June 2024

Please complete our 3 minute survey

The MSE team rely on your feedback to continually improve this service

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19th June 2024

Sweating: Information for clinicians

Management tips to control drenching sweats

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6th June 2024

Anxiety towards the end of life: Information for clinicians

A nuanced approach to assessing anxiety in palliative illness

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22nd May 2024


Pharmacies which stock end of life medications in your area

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1st May 2024

Anticipatory Prescribing: Information for clinicians

How to prescribe symptom control medicines for people in the last days of life

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30th April 2024

Delirium: Information for clinicians

Acute confusion is often reversible

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25th April 2024

What health professionals need to do after a death at home

Care of the patient and loved ones after death, legalities and next steps

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16th April 2024

Oral problems: information for clinicians

A logical approach to assessment and treatment in the community

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28th March 2024

Assessing cancer pain

A pragmatic approach to assessment and treatment in the community

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1st March 2024

Books to better understand dying, death and palliative care

Browsing books can be a gentle way to feel less alone and more in control 

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28th December 2023

Discussing CPR with patients

Talking about Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is an essential part of advance care planning

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26th December 2023

Digital legacy: an important part of advance care planning

Supporting patients with their online accounts is part of a holistic approach to advance care planning

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9th November 2023

Opioid conversion

Resources for clinicians to tackle tricky opioid dose conversions.

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1st November 2023

Pruritis: Information for clinicians

A pragmatic approach to assessment and treatment in the community

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1st October 2023

Setting up a version of HPAL in your area

HPAL can be customised to any region or ICS


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28th September 2023

Lymphoedema: Information for clinicians

Understanding and managing lymphoedema - a practial overview for clinicians 

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27th July 2023

Pain and dementia

How to assess whether someone with advanced dementia is in pain, and ways to help

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13th July 2023

Palliative care and dementia

An overview of services related to dementia and palliative care


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20th June 2023

Depression in palliative care: Information for clinicians

Assessment, diagnosis and management of depression in palliative care  


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28th April 2023

Challenging conversations - improving your communication skills

Guidance and videos on how to best communicate information on diagnosis, prognosis and disease progression

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24th April 2023

Radiotherapy skin reactions: Information for clinicians

Guidance on managing the skin impact of radiotherapy

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20th March 2023

Driving and medications: Information for clinicians

What to advise patients about driving when prescribing analgesics or anxiolytics


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12th March 2023

Financial help when you are living with a terminal illness

An overview of benefit entitlement and where to seek further advice

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9th March 2023

Notes on grief

A description of the most common experiences of grief following a bereavement 

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27th February 2023

Caring at home - practical tips

A range of short videos and invaluable practical tips for families caring at home towards the end of life

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15th February 2023

Hiccups: Information for clinicians

Aetiology and management in palliative care patients

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1st February 2023

Organ Donation

How to donate organs, exclusions for donations and further information for patients

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27th January 2023

Constipation: Information for clinicians

How should I best manage constipation in a patient with advancing illness? Advice from a senior palliative physician

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16th September 2022

Twitter and palliative care

The best Twitter links to palliative care expertise and ideas



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28th August 2022

Approaching family meetings

How to inform, connect, and make decisions with families when patients who have a serious illness are not able to participate

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7th June 2022

Opportunities for further training

Resources and e-learning for clinicians to learn more about palliative care

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1st February 2022

The Lancet Commission on the Value of Death

A global vision for healthcare professionals on death and dying 

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11th October 2021

Conversations about approaching death

How to discuss the process of dying with your patients

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25th May 2021

What matters to you - conversations that count

Creative resources to help start those crucial conversations about what matters to you

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6th February 2021

You matter because you are you

7 Point Action Plan for Better Palliative Care 2021 developed from research during the pandemic by the Cicely Saunders Institute



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10th June 2020

Suffering and the role of healthcare workers

An important discussion of personhood, suffering and the role of clinicians

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