Recent Articles
Article categoriesHow to assess a patient in pain towards the end of life: Information for clinicians
An approach to assessing physical pain in palliative care
Anticipatory Prescribing: Information for clinicians
How to prescribe symptom control medicines for people in the last days of life
Neuropathic pain: Information for clinicians
Diagnosis and treatment of nerve pain, and when to seek specialist advice
Starting a Syringe Pump: Information for clinicians
How do I decide when it is appropriate to start a syringe pump and what should I prescribe? Advice from a senior palliative physician
Abdominal pain in patients with cancer: Information for clinicians
How should I best assess abdominal pain in a patient with advancing cancer? Advice from a senior palliative physician
Malignant bowel obstruction: Information for clinicians
Bowel obstruction can be acute or subacute
Referred and radiating pain: Information for clinicians
What patterns of referred pain do you commonly see? Advice from a senior palliative physician
Bone pain: Information for clinicians
Clinical features and how to treat
Starting morphine: Information for clinicians
How do I decide when it is appropriate to start strong opioids? Advice from a senior palliative physician
Assessing cancer pain
A pragmatic approach to assessment and treatment in the community
Opioid conversion
Resources for clinicians to tackle tricky opioid dose conversions.