This information is sourced from NHS Wales Talk CPR:
NHS Wales Talk CPR and Professor Mark Taubert have produced an excellent 6 minute video with practical tips for healthcare professionals having sensitive conversations about CPR and DNACPR.
This 6 minute video suggests:
- Familiarising yourself with the relevant forms/policies in advance
- Asking for permission to involve relatives
- Adopting your own style and not being formulaic in your discussion
- Focussing on the person during the consultation, not on the form
- Listening and exploring your patient's views on CPR
- Explaining what CPR actually is and that the success rate is low in patients with palliative and life limiting conditions
- Explaining the risks of CPR
- Reassuring patients that alternative treatment are available
- Ensuring the patient has capacity to understand the decision
- If there is a disagreement always offer a second opinion
Ideally these discussions are held in an appropriate setting by someone who knows the person and the family already.
See also: Resuscitation Council UK guidance
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) : Information for patients and carers