This information is sourced from Marie Curie and the Hospice in the Weald INFORMED guides and St Luke's Hospice Harrow
Everyone wants to be at home for as long as possible - but family carers need knowledge regarding the best way to care for the body, especially in these times of stretched community resources. Caring for someone at home with a terminal illness can be rewarding, exhausting, frightening and joyful.
Confidence in the everyday tasks of care will help you to cope.
Helping with Practical Tasks:
- Helping someone to wash Covers bathing, showering, bed baths and care of pressure areas
- Helping with mouth care Covers mouth pain, dry mouth and tooth brushing
- Moving someone in bed Covers how to roll someone in bed, and how to change the bed with someone in it
- Helping with medication Tips regarding medicines, creams and eyedrops
- Helping someone to stand and walk How to help someone out of bed, out of a chair and how to cope with a fall
- Helping someone to use the toilet Use of commode and bed pan, bowel and bladder hygiene and incontinence
- How to give an injection
The Hospice in the Weald INFORMED guides cover most of the above topics plus a few extra
A brief video showing how to safely move someone in their bed