Books to support grief

Some people prefer something very practical with tools to survive a loss. Reading about other people's experiences may also be helpful. These books have all been recommended by professionals who work closely with bereaved people.

Practical guides to grief

  • This Too Shall Pass and Every Family has a Story – by Julia Samuel
  • Griefworks - by Julia Samuel
  • The Grieving Brain: The Surprising Science of how we learn from love and loss – by Mary-Frances O’Connor
  • The Modern Loss Handbook - by Rebecca Soffer
  • The Grief Survival Guide – by Jeff Brazier
  • Manual for Heartache - by Cathy Rentzenbrink
  • Talking with Bereaved People: An Approach for Structured and Sensitive Communication – by Dodie Graves

Stories of grief

  • A Grief Observed - by C S Lewis 
  • The Madness of Grief - by Richard Coles
  • The Red of My Blood - by Clover Stroud
  • Redemption - by John Gardner
  • The State of Disbelief - by Juliet Rosenfeld
  • When Words are Not Enough - by Jane Harris & Jimmy Edmonds
  • You are not alone – by Cariad Lloyd
  • Notes on grief – by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  • The Last Act of Love  - by Cathy Rentzenbrink


Related Services

Amparo support following suicide

This free Specialist Bereavement Service, delivered by Amparo for residents in mid and south Essex, provides emotional and practical support for anyone who has felt the impact of suicide at any time (recent or historical).

The  service is completely confidential and can provide short-term or longer-term support. It is also available to bereaved children (Aged between 4 and 11 with agreed appropriate adult)  and young adults (Age 11 upwards).

Experienced Liaison Workers, aim to make initial contact within 24 hours of a referral being received, offer residents:

  • Support in their homes or wherever is most comfortable to the resident.
  • One to one individual support
  • Help with any media enquiries
  • Practical support when liaising with the Police or Coroners including preparing for and attending inquest
  • Help overcoming feelings of isolation

Please complete the referral form:

Bereavement Advice Centre

Bereavement Advice Centre

T. 0800 634 9494


Bereavement Advice Centre provides practical help when you need it most. They support and advise people on what they need to do after a death.

Child Bereavement Network

The Childhood Bereavement Network (CBN) is the hub for those working with bereaved children, young people and their families across the UK. Support is provided by the network members.

Child Bereavement UK

Offer a telephone support service for bereaved young people up to age 25, their families/ carers or individuals or families who have lost a child. 


Child Death Helpline

Child Death Helpline is operated by a dedicated team of volunteers who are all bereaved parents. The helpline provides support to a parent who has lost a child of any age, under any circumstances, and however recently or long ago, we’re here to help. They also offer support to grandparents, siblings and the extended family, as well as professionals who have been impacted by the death of a child.

Farleigh Hospice Bereavement Support

CIRCLE Adult Bereavement Support provides help to bereaved adults in mid Essex, regardless of the cause of death or where the individual died. Each person is affected differently by bereavement, and the aim is to help with the impact of grief and provide support.

Farleigh Hospice Yo-Yo Project

Yo-Yo is a community bereavement service for children and young people aged 4 to 18.

We offer a range of support options including:

  • 1 to 1 support
  • Counselling
  • Music, Art and Play Therapy
Grief Encounter

Grief Encounter is a national charity offering a free helpline and online support for children and young people wishing to access bereavement support.

They also offers counselling support in classrooms, online or at their premises in North London. A referral form is available on their website.

Jewish Bereavement Counselling Service

Jewish Bereavement Counselling Service

T. 020 8951 3881


Jewish Bereavement Counselling Service has counsellors that understand the specific issues raised by bereavement within a Jewish context. This service is sensitive, aware and knowledgeable about social, cultural and religious needs.

Luke’s Counselling and Support for Children and Young People

St Luke's Hospice provide bereavement support to children and young people up to 19 years of age, who are experiencing a bereavement or have a family member or friend with a life limiting illness.

Lullaby Trust

The Lullaby Trust raises awareness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), provides expert advice on safer sleep for babies and offers emotional support for bereaved families.

Muslim Bereavement Support Service

Muslim Bereavement Support Service

T. 020 3468 7333

The Muslim Bereavement Support Service supports Muslim women who are facing bereavement and/or are bereaved. They will speak with Muslim men and signpost them to appropriate bereavement support. 

St Luke's Hospice Pre & Post Bereavement Support

St Luke's Hospice Pre & Post Bereavement Support

T. 01268 526259


The Dove Community Counselling Service team at St Luke's Hospice offer bereavement support to adults living with a life limiting illness, from diagnosis through to end of life or into survivorship. 

Bereavement support is also available to those who may have experienced a bereavement from suicide, sudden, traumatic or accidental deaths, or within the last 5 years due to a life limiting illness.

Stillbirth and neonatal death

Stillbirth and neonatal death (Sands) is the leading stillbirth and neonatal death charity in the UK. They ensure that anyone affected by the death of a baby receives the best possible care and support for as long as they need it. 

Sands provides bereavement support services both nationally through its Freephone helpline, mobile app, online community and resources, and locally through a UK-wide network of around 100 regional support groups. 

The Bereavement Journey

The Bereavement Journey runs an online course three times per year for anyone in the UK who isn’t able to access an in-person course near to where they live, or who would prefer an online course.

The Compassionate Friends

The Compassionate Friends (TCF) is a charitable organisation of bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents dedicated to the support and care of other similarly bereaved family members who have suffered the death of a child or children of any age and from any cause.

Get support using the telephone helpline or online support groups.

The Good Grief Trust

The Good Grief Trust helps all those affected by grief in the UK and brings bereavement services together, to ensure that everyone receives the tailored support they need to move forward with their lives.

The trust is run by the bereaved, for the bereaved and aim to normalise grief and raise awareness of the impact of grief on a national platform. 


Widowed and young

Widowed and young (WAY) is a UK charity that offers a peer-to-peer support network for anyone who's lost a partner before their 51st birthday – married or not, with or without children, inclusive of sexual orientation, gender, race and religion.

Winston's Wish

Winston's Wish is a national charity offering a free helpline and online support for children and young people wishing to access bereavement support.

They also provide resources and further training for schools and healthcare professions.

Young Minds

Young Minds is a national charity which supports both young people, their parents and loved ones through loss.

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9th January 2025

Explaining grief
