Caring at Home
Recent Articles
Article categoriesWhat to expect when someone close to you is in their final days
Information for carers about the process of dying
Mouth care: Information for patients and carers
An overview of good mouth care and how to manage common problems
Constipation caused by medicines: Information for patients and carers
What is the best treatment for constipation caused by medicines? Advice from a senior palliative physician
Moving someone in bed
How to turn someone in bed, and how to change the bed with someone in it
Anxiety towards the end of life: Information for patients and carers
Anxiety is a natural response to stresses in our lives and is common in people living with a palliative diagnosis
Giving someone a bed bath
Helping someone to stay clean and fresh and be washed in bed
Anticipatory Prescribing: information for patients and carers
Understanding the injections that you have been asked to keep at home. Advice from a senior palliative physician
Agitation and Restlessness in the Final Days: Information for patients and carers
Confusion, restlessness and agitation are common distressing symptoms at the end of life
Moving someone in and out of bed
How to move someone into a chair or commode, or to the shower, and back into bed again
Caring for a breathless patient at home
Resources to support someone who is living with breathlessness
Nausea and vomiting: Information for patients and carers
How can I help my nausea at home before trying medication? Advice from a senior palliative physician
Caring at home - practical tips
A range of short videos and invaluable practical tips for families caring at home towards the end of life