Bowel obstruction: Information for patients and carers

Some people with serious illness can experience bowel obstruction. This occurs when the small or large intestine is partly or completely blocked. It can be caused by the bowel not working properly or by something blocking the bowel, such as a tumour. This means food and fluid can’t get through the bowel and gets stuck. This can happen quite suddenly or develop gradually over days or weeks.

  • feeling bloated and full up
  • pain (usually crampy tummy pain)
  • feeling sick with loss of appetite
  • vomiting (including undigested food or bowel fluid)
  • constipation (no solid motion or wind)
  • cancer or fluid (ascites) in the abdomen pressing on the outside of the bowel, or blocking the tube on the inside. Colon, stomach or ovarian cancer are the commonest cancers to cause obstruction.
  • neurological illnessess (eg multiple sclerosis) can affects the nerve supply of the bowel - this can stop the bowel from working (an ileus)
  • People who have had surgery or radiotherapy to the abdomen can develop bowel obstruction from scar tissue (adhesions)

Bowel obstruction can be complicated to manage and it is important to seek advice urgently from your nurse or doctor. Sometimes it can be managed with medications (steroids and bowel stimulants) and sometimes an operation is needed. Surgery may be posible to bypass the blockage or remove the blockage.

If this is not possible then a stoma may be needed - opening the bowel onto the wall of the abdomen, and collecting stool into a stoma bag. This is a difficult concept, but many people adapt and manage a stoma really well.

But surgery or a stoma may not be possible, and may not help - in this case your palliative team will aim for comfort and symptom relief with medicines, often delivered by a syringe pump, as oral medications may not be absorbed because of the blockage.

A low residue diet is advised for people who are thought to be at high risk for bowel obstruction, or for those who have recently been treated for bowel obstruction by their medical team. The Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust have produced a detailed leaflet to explain this type of diet and how it can be adjusted according to symptoms.


Recommended Resources

Cancer Research UK - A blocked bowel (bowel obstruction)

Published 19th December 2022

Marie Curie - Bladder and bowel problems

Published 25th July 2023



Related Services

Colostomy UK

Information and support about stoma care. There is a 24 hour helpline.

Crohns and Colitis UK

Crohns and Colitis UK provides information about and helps to find support from others in the Crohn’s and Colitis community.

Ileostomy and Internal Pouch Association (IA)

Ileostomy and Internal Pouch Association (IA)

T. 0800 0184 724


Ileostomy and Internal Pouch Association, known as IA, has been specialising in supporting people living with an ileostomy.

IA has not only an extensive network of local groups across the UK and Ireland but also the majority of volunteers are living life after surgery.

Little Havens Hospice

Little Havens provides specialist care and support for babies, children and young people requiring specialist in-patient care for symptom management, respite and end of life care.

St Francis Hospice Referral Hub

St Francis Hospice Referral Hub

T. 01708 758606


The St Francis Hospice's referral hub can be accessed by those facing a life limiting condition. 

Please refer a patient or making a self-referral to access hospice services.

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