South East Essex

Services: search results for ‘carers’

A quick search directory of national, regional and borough based clinical services 

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Adult Carer Core Support

T. 0300 303 1555


This free service has been commissioned to support adult carers. 

The offer includes:

  • One to one information and support to carers 
  • Support via phone, text, email or face to face visits including home visits
  • Groups and activities for carers
  • Help to get Carers Trust grants
  • Referrals to carefree breaks
  • Free SIM cards

The offer in Southend includes funding for breaks for carers, support to help carers to access their own appointments and one-off respite break funding.

Marie Curie

T. 0800 090 2309


Marie Curie provide support for patients and carers through terminal illness.

Find information and support through the telephone helpline and online chat via their website.

Other services include Marie Curie nurses, Hospice care, helper and companion services.

Referrals may be made either by a patient or carer, or any professional directly involved in the patient’s care. Anyone making a referral must have the consent of the patient.

Fair Havens In Patient Unit provides assessment and management of physical symptoms that are proving difficult to control, such as pain, nausea, vomiting, and breathlessness. Respite care is also available for short stays enabling their carers to rest and recuperate. There are 8 beds in the unit.

Some patients may only require a stay for a few days before going home again. Some people choose to receive hospice care several times during their illness, depending on their condition and their wishes.

Please watch this video for more information.

Fair Havens Hospice Bereavement Support

T. 01702 220350


The Bereavement team supports family members, friends, children and carers through pre and post bereavement. The support is available to anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one who was cared for by the Hospice. 

Please watch this video for more information.

Alzheimer’s Society

T. 0333 150 3456


The Alzheimer's Society dementia advisors can help people living with dementia and their carers. They can provide practical help and emotional support via the telephone support or the online community connecting those in similar situations.

Child Bereavement UK

T. 0800 02 888 40


Offer a telephone support service for bereaved young people up to age 25, their families/ carers or individuals or families who have lost a child. 


British Heart Foundation

T. 0300 330 3311


The British Heart Foundation provides information on heart and circulatory diseases.

Patients and carers can get support through the online support groups and communities, advice and guidance about heart and circulatory conditions and managing risk factors.

Fair Havens Hub offers a wide range of facilities, activities, and therapies to enhance wellbeing, help people live independently with their condition for longer and help make the most of life:

  • Physiotherapists can help with a range of symptoms through groups and individual sessions
  • Occupational Therapists can help with rehabiltation, assessment and advice
  • Wellbeing and spiritual support for patients, their carers and family members

Please watch this video for more information.

Grief Encounter is a national charity offering a free helpline and online support for children and young people wishing to access bereavement support.

They also offers counselling support in classrooms, online or at their premises in North London. A referral form is available on their website.

Young Minds is a national charity which supports both young people, their parents and loved ones through loss.