This advice is sourced from Dr Ros Taylor a senior palliative physician
Q. How can I help my nausea at home before trying medication?
A. Nausea and vomiting are common and distressing symptoms. There are several different techniques that might help:
- Keep well hydrated as dehydration makes nausea worse (small sips regularly are easier)
- Water is fine to drink but oral rehydration sachets (e.g. Diarolyte) will help to keep the salts in your blood balanced
- If you are vomiting then the best time to have a small drink or snack is immediately after vomiting when your stomach is empty. That is also a good time to take any urgent medication
- Eating crushed ice can be very effective at stopping you feeling sick
- Good oral hygiene is important
- Treating constipation
- Alternative therapies that may help include ginger and acupressure bands
- Managing anxiety as feeling worried, stressed or anxious can make nausea and vomiting worse
- Consider reviewing your painkillers with your medical team as some of these may be causing the nausea e.g. codeine or anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen
Q. When should I seek medical help?
A. If nausea is not settling after 48 hours advice should be sought as there may be a simple solution or some medication that may help. Other indications for seeking medical help are:
- If vomiting is severe seek advice earlier as dehydration is a risk
- Partial bowel obstruction is a rare cause of persistent nausea in advanced illness (please see information on the related article)