Mid Essex


1st July 2024

Abdominal pain in patients with cancer: Information for clinicians

How should I best assess abdominal pain in a patient with advancing cancer? Advice from a senior palliative physician

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30th June 2024

Breathlessness: Information for clinicians

Guidance on managing breathlessness whatever the cause

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22nd June 2024

Referred and radiating pain: Information for clinicians

What patterns of referred pain do you commonly see? Advice from a senior palliative physician

Expert Advice
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21st June 2024

Starting morphine: Information for clinicians

How do I decide when it is appropriate to start strong opioids? Advice from a senior palliative physician

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28th March 2024

Assessing cancer pain

A pragmatic approach to assessment and treatment in the community

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28th September 2023

Lymphoedema: Information for clinicians

Understanding and managing lymphoedema - a practial overview for clinicians 

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24th April 2023

Radiotherapy skin reactions: Information for clinicians

Guidance on managing the skin impact of radiotherapy

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27th January 2023

Constipation: Information for clinicians

How should I best manage constipation in a patient with advancing illness? Advice from a senior palliative physician

Expert Advice
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