Recent Articles
Article categoriesMetastatic Spinal Cord Compression: Information for clinicians
Diagnosis and initial management of Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression (MSCC)
Haemorrhage from malignant wounds
How to manage surface bleeding or erosion into a major blood vessel
Malignant wounds
An approach to managing wounds caused by cancer
Radiotherapy skin reactions: Information for clinicians
Guidance on managing the skin impact of radiotherapy
Constipation: Information for clinicians
How should I best manage constipation in a patient with advancing illness? Advice from a senior palliative physician
Abdominal pain in patients with cancer: Information for clinicians
How should I best assess abdominal pain in a patient with advancing cancer? Advice from a senior palliative physician
Breathlessness: Information for clinicians
Guidance on managing breathlessness whatever the cause
Referred and radiating pain: Information for clinicians
What patterns of referred pain do you commonly see? Advice from a senior palliative physician
Starting morphine: Information for clinicians
How do I decide when it is appropriate to start strong opioids? Advice from a senior palliative physician
Bone pain: Information for clinicians
Clinical features and how to treat
Assessing cancer pain
A pragmatic approach to assessment and treatment in the community
Lymphoedema: Information for clinicians
Understanding and managing lymphoedema - a practial overview for cliniciansÂ