
The primary motivation is to enable clinicians and the public to search for the best and most recent information relating to palliative care, quickly and confidently, and to trust the sources chosen.

We synthesise guidance from nationally recognised sources to improve access to information. Sources and publication dates are clearly cited.

We will do our best to ensure that guidance is revised quickly, and removed once it becomes redundant. There will be occasions where we have missed information and we urge people to use the feedback tab on every post to point out errors or omissions. As always, none of the content within the website replaces clinical judgement when providing patient care.

This website has been set up as a freely available resource to help clinicians and the public by the following team:

Dr Andrew Gage, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Southend Hospital. Clinical Lead for HPAL MSE

Dr Eva Lew, Medical Director Farleigh Hospice. Clinical Lead for End of Life Care Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board

Lynne Smith, Programme Manager, Clinical Leadership and Innovation, Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board

Dr Ros Taylor MBE, Palliative care physician Harlington Hospice, Founder of HPAL in North West London

Dr Poppy Freeman, GP, Director of Medindex

This website was made possible by funding from Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board

The original contents of this website are copyright of Harlington Hospice © 2024 Harlington Hospice - all rights reserved. If you wish to set up a version of HPAL for your area please contact admin@medindex.co.uk


HPAL MSE is powered by Medindex, a digital platform designed to support the clinical workforce at the point of care